Monday, September 21, 2009

Vampirates : Demons of the Oceans

by Justin Somper

14 year old twins, Connor and Grace Tempest are devastating when their father, the lighthouse keeper of Half Moon Bay dies. Alone in the world, except for each other, and now penniless, they rejected the town people's attempts to force them into a life of drudgery. Taking their father's yacht, they sail off into the unknown and right into a destructive storm.

Their small vessel sunk, the twins are picked up by two very different ships. Connor ends up on the pirate ship, The Diablo, captained by Molucco Wrathe. Due to his athletic and cheery nature Connor soon fits in and finds friends among the pirates, but his sister is never far from his thoughts. Sure that Grace is still alive, despite evidence to the contrary, spurred on by the strange ship he saw and an old sea shanty his father used to sing, Connor convinces the pirates to begin a search for his sister.

Grace wakes to finds herself aboard the strange Vampirate ship. Looked after by Lorcan, a young looking vampirate, she soon adapts to life on the ship. In an attempt to keep busy Grace begins to collect the stories of each of the vampirate’s crossing over, including the dangerous vampire Sedorio. Strange visions of Connor, give Grace the surety her brother is still alive. But what will it take to reunite the twins?

Part of my 100+ reading challenge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great series! :)